AOS Parters provides First Nations software to make your operations more efficient.

From timesheets to HR, from leave management to operations, from analytics to compliance — AOS Partners provides your First Nation with the software to succeed.

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Boost Productivity, Reduce Risk

You staff is spending an average of two hours every day looking for information. Membership names, skills inventory, leave schedules, timesheets, employee dates. Paper was fine, but in the age of apps and smartphones – everything needs to move faster. 

Having your core systems working efficiently isn’t a wish list item – its a necessity. As your First Nation looks to grow, this kind of data infrastucture is what it builds on. Information that is rock-solid reliable, and completely up to date. Meeting ISC reporting requirements turns into a breeze, and the community moves forward, building new opportunities.  

Operations Software for your First Nation

Its time to replace your paper timesheets!  Get the ONLY software that combines timesheets, leave management & HR. MERIDIAN is your perfect HR and workforce management solution. 

INDIGO is the software you need to manage your First Nations community in Canada. Its the ONLY comprehensive Indigenous Governance & Operations Management software. Access critical formation while keeping it centralized, up to date and secure.